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Irma Stern's life story is an inspiration to us all. Not only do we admire her superb art, but also her unwavering self-belief and tenacity. In a world where it's easy to doubt yourself and where criticism can bring you down, Irma shows us how trusting in your own self-worth can lead to true greatness. And how wonderful that a new book shares this lesson with children! Written by well-known children's author Katherine Graham, with engaging illustrations by Nicola Smith, this picture book biography tells the story of how Irma challenged the conventions of her day to establish herself as a

We at the Irma Stern Museum are always delighted to meet people who have personal stories of how they, or their parents, met Irma Stern. Sometimes these stories give us new insight into Stern as a person; sometimes, they tell us more about the context she lived in, and sometimes we gain additional information about her working methods. In all cases, they help us to gain a fuller appreciation of Irma Stern as a significant artist and inspiring, complex figure. Given the richness and importance of oral history, we would love to invite everyone who has personally met Stern – or

Ai: Butoh Ballet Performance We are excited to host Ai, a performance by award-winning contemporary dancer jackï job and collaborators, from 17 to 21 March. Meaning ‘love’ in Japanese, Ai is a Butoh ballet, a form of Japanese dance theatre, and speaks about the impossibility of love and finding it in unusual spaces. In Ai jackï performs with acclaimed French ballet dancer Alexandre Bourdat, who has recently finished a performance season at the Royal Danish Theatre in Copenhagen. She also joins forces with her long-time collaborator, award-winning classical pianist José Dias. Ai will be performed in the garden of the Irma Stern™ Museum, and its tour de force

Wed – Fri: 10 am ‒ 5 pm
Sat: 10 am ‒ 2 pm

Adults: R65
U18s, students, pensioners, UCT staff: free

21 Cecil Road, Rosebank, Cape Town
0608 270 787 (Mobile)
021 650 7240 (Office)