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Gardening with Irma  We love it when our guests support the UCT Irma Stern™ Museum with their time, energy and suggestions. In this case, a few Irma Stern Museum friends mentioned that they would like to volunteer to help keep the museum garden looking beautiful (or make it even more beautiful)!  You might know that Irma Stern was an avid gardener and that many of the plants that make the garden special would have been planted by her. Some of the planting even pre-dated Irma, when architect and Mayor of Cape Town, John Parker, lived here, or going even further back when

Wishing you a wonderful festive season and happiness in the new year! And so we come to the last days of 2022… A huge thank you for all your support for the UCT Irma Stern™ Museum, be it by visiting, reading the newsletter, following us on social media, engaging with our events, generous funding or the myriad other ways in which the museum receives support and encouragement. Best wishes to you and yours for this period and the coming year! We are excited that we could extend Georgina Gratrix’s exhibition ‘The Cult of Ugliness’ until 25 February 2023. Additionally, the exhibition “How

Monthly workshops The UCT Irma Stern™ Museum is a place for creativity: the creativity of Irma Stern, of the artists and crafters represented through the pieces Stern collected, the creativity of invited artists, students, learners, and even the creativity of nature in the beautiful Secret Garden. In 2023 we invite you to bring your creativity to the ISM – join us for monthly art classes presented at the museum on every second Saturday of the month. The ad hoc art workshops hosted by the museum in 2022 were met with such enthusiasm and with so many requests for a more regular programme

Centenary Year  You might know that this year the UCT Irma Stern Museum is celebrating 50 years since it opened its doors to the public. But in this special year, we are also celebrating another anniversary: it is 100 years since Irma Stern™ opened her first solo exhibition in South Africa. Titled ‘An Exhibition of Modern Art by Miss Irma Stern’, it opened on 7 February 1922 at Ashbeys’ Art Gallery, 91 Long Street, Cape Town, to indignation and disgust from a number of critics. One art critic who signed his article W.R.M. wrote in his review about the ‘general nastiness

Wed – Fri: 10 am ‒ 5 pm
Sat: 10 am ‒ 2 pm

Adults: R65
U18s, students, pensioners, UCT staff: free

21 Cecil Road, Rosebank, Cape Town
0608 270 787 (Mobile)
021 650 7240 (Office)