Sharing Madeiran Memories
On 2 November 2021, the UCT Irma Stern Museum rang with the laughter, stories, memories and emotions of Madeira. As part of the exhibition Memórias da Madeira, the museum hosted a number of Madeirans who, though born on the island, as children
Celebrating Jonathan Fritz
Jonathan Fritz has tended to the Secret Garden at the museum for close to forty years. Warmly referred to by the team as “Uncle Jonathan, he is retiring this year. To celebrate and thank him, the team of the UCT
Removing signs and opening doors
Talking about the possibilities of museums, an interview with Yentl Kohler, the new curator and educator of the UCT Irma Stern Museum Curator and Educator Yentl Kohler recently joined the UCT Irma Stern Museum staff. Director Nadja Daehnke had a conversation