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Newsletter 4/23: Irma Stern Children’s Book Launch

From Ugly to Beautiful: The Story of Irma Stern. Children's book.

Newsletter 4/23: Irma Stern Children’s Book Launch

Irma Stern’s life story is an inspiration to us all. Not only do we admire her superb art, but also her unwavering self-belief and tenacity. In a world where it’s easy to doubt yourself and where criticism can bring you down, Irma shows us how trusting in your own self-worth can lead to true greatness. And how wonderful that a new book shares this lesson with children!

Written by well-known children’s author Katherine Graham, with engaging illustrations by Nicola Smith, this picture book biography tells the story of how Irma challenged the conventions of her day to establish herself as a successful artist. It will inspire children between the ages of three and nine to persevere to achieve their dreams.

We would love for you and your little ones to join us for the launch of From Ugly to Beautiful: The Story of Irma Stern during a fun and creative morning of book-reading, art-making and refreshments.

Please remember to RSVP, and if you’re not able to join us, look out for the book on sale at the Irma Stern™ Museum reception.

  • Date: Saturday, 24 June 2023
  • Time: 10.30 –12.00
  • Venue: Irma Stern Museum
  • Booking essential: Please contact Portia at | 060 827 0787 | 021-650 7240

Thanks to funding from the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport, numerous learners helped by the literacy NGOs ‘Learning in Reach‘ and ‘Read to Rise‘ will get their own copies of this beautiful book. 

With best wishes from the ISM Team

Illustration: Irma Stern by Nicola Smith

Wed – Fri: 10 am ‒ 5 pm
Sat: 10 am ‒ 2 pm

Adults: R65
U18s, students, pensioners, UCT staff: free

21 Cecil Road, Rosebank, Cape Town
0608 270 787 (Mobile)
021 650 7240 (Office)