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Grade 11 exhibition: Rethinking Irma Stern

Sep 14 - Sep 30 2022

Grade 11 exhibition: Rethinking Irma Stern

Grade 11 exhibition "Rethinking Irma Stern", photo: Lerato Maduna
The UCT Irma Stern Museum and the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) have partnered on a collaborative project, inviting Grade 11 Visual Arts or Design learners to redesign and re-imagine an artwork by Irma Stern (1894 – 1966).
The learners were invited to visit the museum or the museum’s website and to critically look at, analyse, re-think and re-interpret the art of Irma Stern. Learners also attended education workshops at the museum and created inspiring, critical and/or fun art and design pieces – from cushions to paintings, handbags, drawings, textiles and children’s books to fashion pieces.
The exhibition showcases a selection of these inspiring learners’ designs and artworks – chosen by an independent panel with artists and educators Rory Emmett and Sitaara Stodel – on display for teachers, learners, their families and the general public to enjoy.
Admissions: Teachers and learners enter for free.
  • Sep 14 - Sep 30 2022

  • The Firs Workshop (1st floor), Irma Stern Museum

Grade 11 exhibition "Rethinking Irma Stern", photo: Lerato Maduna







Wed – Fri: 10 am ‒ 5 pm
Sat: 10 am ‒ 2 pm

Adults: R65
U18s, students, pensioners, UCT staff: free

21 Cecil Road, Rosebank, Cape Town
0608 270 787 (Mobile)
021 650 7240 (Office)